Number of copies is ignored when printing


When specifying the number of copies when printing from Microsoft Word or an other application the number of copies is ignored and only one copy is printed.


Some printing / driver options are conflicting resulting in only a single copy.


Resolution 1:

Disable Collate.

In Microsoft Word 2016+ this could be done when printing your document (CTRL+P) and in the Settings selecting Uncollated instead of Collated.

Now the number of Copies will be sent correctly to the output.

Resolution 2:

Disable mopier mode.

Mopier (multiple original copy) mode is a mode, when enabled, a printer only receives a single copy of a document and can print multiple collated copies. With the setting enabled the number of copies is ignored.
If this mode is disabled, the number of copies will be used.

  1. Go to Windows Control Panel or Settings.
  2. Select Printers and devices
  3. Right-click the printer and select Printer properties.
  4. Navigate to the Device Settings tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Job Storage settings.
    Most likely under the Installable Options you can find the mopier mode. Change it from Enabled to Disabled.
  6. Click Apply and OK.

Not every printer has this option or mode.

See also