Print job routing based on number of pages


This article will guide you through the process of configuring a profile that routes a print job to a specific device based on the number of pages. Job routing can help you **save time and money** by using the right device for the right task.


To get this configuration working you need two printers.

  1. Log in to the admin panel of Print&Share CQ using a web browser.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Workflow > Profiles.
  3. Create a profile by clicking Create new and give the profile a name.
  4. Scroll down to the Channels selection and add two Printer-channels.
  5. Click the pencil-icon to edit the first print channel.
  6. Click edit next to the Execution requirements:-label.
  7. Enable the Pages option and select Smaller or equal than and fill in the value 10.
  8. Click OK and return to the channel.
  9. In the Printer settings section, select a printer next to the Printer:-label.
  10. Save the channel settings by clicking on the Save button at the top.
  11. Edit the second channel.
  12. Repeat the steps as you did for channel 1, only modify the Execution requirement for Pages: to Greater or equal than and fill in the value 11.
    Don't forget to select also a Printer:.
  13. Save all settings.

You just created a profile that sends jobs with 10 or less pages to a specific printer device and jobs greater than 10 pages (11+) to a different printer device.