Logging in for the first time

After a fresh installation of Print&Share CQ, navigate to the Portal.
On a server where P&S CQ is installed, this could be or
(Older versions (P&S CQ <= 1.1.0635) use a different port: instead of

Which user to log in?

  1. On the Portal you will see the login web page presenting you the Name, Passworld and Domain input fields.
  2. Because there are no users configured by default, we allow the Domain Administrator or Local Computer Administrator to log in.
  3. Fill in the administrator username, password and domain to log in.

Add another Print&Share CQ administrator

  1. In the Portal, navigate to Manage and select Security under the System Setup section.
  2. Expand the Built-In Admins and click Add to add another user who will be an administrator for Print&Share CQ.